2024 Legislative Updates

HB 67 - WY Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Trust Fund Signed into Law!

Why is the Wyoming Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Trust Fund – Important?

Wyoming communities need resources to invest in our growing outdoor rec sector so they can reap more of its economic benefits and also right-size its growth. Federal funding comes with strings attached, thus failing to meet the diversity of needs and cultural styles of recreation in our state. HB 67 ensures we develop outdoor recreation on Wyoming’s terms.

What the law does

HB 67 will provide grants to local communities for outdoor recreation projects that boost our quality of life and aid in diversifying our economy. Grants are available to governments or nonprofit organizations. See our fact sheet here for more information.

Thanks to our Many Partners!!

It took a diverse team of supporters to help get the Outdoor Recreation Trust bill back alive on the House side. Many groups, businesses and individuals weighed in – THANK YOU!

WYORBA staff helped out at the Camo at the Capitol Day and participants attended the hearing on the bill in House TRW Committee and provided great testimony!

On the Senate side, the Cody Youth for Justice group from Cody High School spent 2 days at the Capitol, lobbying for HB 67 and several students testified before the Senate TRW Committee!