Wyoming Ranks High Nationally

In 2022 Wyoming was one of the top economic performers nationally in outdoor recreation.

Wyoming was 3rd in the nation for percentage of state employment – at 5.6%, and with a robust 4.1% of state gross domestic product (GDP), our state ranks 4th highest of all states. As in past years, Wyoming’s outdoor recreation employment growth rate – at 7.7% – out performed the state’s overall rate.

Graphic courtesy Outdoor Recreation Rountable

Outdoor recreation contributes to economic success in many ways.

Right-Sized for Our Communities

The outdoor industry in Wyoming is strong, multifaceted and growing. It serves to diversify our state’s economy for almost any location – large city or small town. Developments can be right-sized and tailored to the unique attributes and interests of that community, benefiting locals and visitors alike.

Wyoming has great outdoor recreation assets - with forests, wildife, parks, rivers, wide open spaces, snowy mountains and more - that bring tourists and support Main Street businesses.

But this industry is more.

Our outdoor quality of life and recreational opportunity attract new residents, retirement income, entrepreneurs and connected businesses - especially in field of gear manufacturing.

Photo courtesy Weatherby